process visual images?

Much of our knowledge of the world comes to us through vision. During early infancy, visual experience not only provides us with information about the environment, as it does in adulthood, but it also sculpts the very structure of the visual brain. It is this interaction between visual experience and the structure and function of the brain that is the focus of research activity in my laboratory.
Latest Publications
Yonas A, Bechtold AG, Frankel D, Gordon FR, McRoberts G, Norcia A, Sternfels S. (1977). Development of sensitivity to information for impending collision. Perception and Psychophysics, 21, 97-104.
Yonas A, Oberg C, Norcia A. (1978). Development of sensitivity to binocular information to the approach of an object. Developmental Psychology, 14, 147-52.
Courchesne E, Ganz L, Norcia AM. (1981). Event-related brain potentials to human faces in infants. Child Development. 52: 804-11.
Norcia AM, Tyler CW. (1984). Temporal frequency limits for stereoscopic apparent motion processes. Vision Research. 24: 395-401.